Reading Fingerprints: Science vs Astrology

Reading Fingerprints: Science vs Astrology


A few days back, a friend of mine and I were having a light chat over tea. We were anxiously talking about the new generation of kids, their future, their likes, dislikes, preferences, behavior, attitude, career choices, and aptitude towards any specific field of study.


Today, parents are incredibly concerned with the changing scenario of the society where children, as well as adults, are succumbing to bullying, peer pressure, body shaming, trauma, and stress of proving their worth in front of the world at large. Many times these things harm the child’s psyche leading him or her to depression and suicidal thoughts. Questioning this societal disquietude, we were trying to discuss a solution as to what if the parents knowing specific attributes of our children beforehand. It will inevitably lead to a healthy environment not only between parents and children but also impacting the overall society.


On further talking, we stumbled upon a test called a DMIT Test, which is nowadays finding a high recommendation by schools and parents. The parents may be knowing about the aptitude tests which are present in the school circuit for a long time, but these tests, however, provide partial results. Also, attending the specific subject or stream of study related entrance tests by a student is cannot determine their aptitude or inclination towards the matter in question.


There are many psychological studies and tests which are going around the psychiatry realm, but how many of us are aware of or interested in them? The famous Bollywood movie ‘Taare Zameen Par’ discussed the child, his parents, and teachers’ behavior and attitude towards him, leading to a study of a child who has Dyslexia.


 But DMIT? Many of you must be already aware of the test, but I am also new to this, I also hear it for the first time. I am sure as a sunrise that many of you will put yourself in my place too. Well, being curious to know everything about it and how it is going to help in deciding the future course of action for children and adults, I researched DMIT, and here is what I found.


What does a DMIT Test mean?


The full form of DMIT test is the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. It is a scientifically and medically proven method of revealing an individual’s intelligence, some inborn skills, talents, and his or her potential.


Too academic, right? Let us understand in simple words. Read on to quench your thirst.


Dermatoglyphics and its use:


The word ‘Dermatoglyphics’ has its origin in the combination of two ancient Greek words, derma = skin, and glyph = carving.


DMIT is a study of fingerprints (ridge patterns on the fingers), hand patterns, and their connection to the brain lobes. Scientist Dr. Howard Gardner and his group of medical experts developed the DMIT technique


According to Dr. Gardner, every individual has a unique set of patterns. These patterns do not match with any other person on earth. Even the twins do not have identical patterns. Hence the patterns are unique and help in personal identification. Ergo, often using fingerprints to make formal identifications as well as a shred of evidence to connect a suspect to a crime committed.


These patterns relate to an individual’s genetic composition, determining a child’s or an adult’s innate qualities that are beneficial for the future. Furthermore, it identifies the strengths and weaknesses of an individual, thereby helping in choosing an appropriate career.


We understood ‘D’ in DMIT. Let us move on to understand ‘MIT.’ It stands for Multiple Intelligence Test.


Multiple Intelligence aspect:


Multiple intelligence is also a scientific method of understanding brain lobes and its usages. The multiple intelligence theory helps to define the ‘intelligence’ in humans accurately. This approach is based on the proportion of different abilities, rather than a single general knowledge dominating a person’s intelligence.


Upon gathering so much knowledge on the subject, one must wonder why he or she should go for such a test? Every person thinks that he or she already knows everything about themselves, or the parents argue that they are in the best of knowledge about everything related to their child. But is it so? Does an individual know all that is to know about themselves and the way they are? Let us check it out.


Reasons to take a DMIT test:


It is indeed amazing to know that right from the seventh week of pregnancy, the brain of a child starts developing and forming the patterns on the skin. These patterns begin controlling each area of the mind and the body, inciting reactions to the signals from the brain.


Beginning from birth to 5 years of age, the brain of a child develops more than at any other point of time in life. 90% of brain growth happens even before Kindergarten. However, this early brain development has a long lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn and thereby succeed in school as well as life. The positive or negative quality of a child’s experiences in the first few years of life helps shape how their brain develops.


The development of a child’s brain needs perfect connections (just like us😊). 

Hey, there is something for everyone. Adults should not feel left out. So, here is their share of gains.


Teenagers and Adults at an alert:


Kids grow up into confused and troubled teenagers if not provided with an open and interactive environment at home. They face a lot of issues revolving around their teenage, leading them to grow into insecure, indecisive adults. These low in confidence adults seem to get apprehensive about every new threshold they reach and take undue time to cross it over. What’s more, history repeats when they become parents and try to imitate their parents. Thus, relive their childhood, making the same mistakes, and recreating their replicas.

People, why not trust science over astrology? One might be surprised at the mention of astrology here. But people tend to put their faith into morbid fascinations like astrology rather than asking help from science and embracing its outcomes.


DMIT is a scientific process. It analyses a human brain through fingerprints uncovering the hidden treasure of strengths, talents, and potentials possessed by an individual.


Getting back to connections, DMIT tells all about it.   


How are the brain connections built?


Children develop brain connections right from their birth through their everyday experiences. Positive interactions with their parents and caretakers and the use of their to interact with the world play a huge role in developing brain connections. A child's daily experiences help in determining which brain connections develop and will last for life. The amount and quality of care, interaction, and stimulation the child receives in the early years make all the difference.


Therefore, these early years are the best opportunity for a child's brain to develop the connections they require to be healthy, capable, and successful adults. Many essential, and higher-level abilities like motivation, self-regulation, problem-solving, and communication are formed in these early years – or not formed. It is much harder for these essential brain connections to be formed later in life.


While genes provide the initial mapping, the environment (among others) plays a vital role in shaping a young brain. The child, till the age of 5, needs all the love, right nurturing environment, and care to grow up into a confident toddler.


The child then has to metamorphose into a kid, teenager, and adult. An adult who is confident enough to take the world in his stride. For this purpose, knowledge of hidden talents is fundamental and thus provide a suitable environment for a brain to develop, grow, and augment initial brain mapping to:


  • Understand the child's inborn potential, strengths, and personality
  • Understand the child's methods of learning and acquiring knowledge.
  • Choosing the 'right' academic and extracurricular activities right from childhood in coordination with the child's strengths


Brain growth and development proves that there is a relationship between fingerprints and the brain. Humans are born with a scientific temper, so they like to question any theory before believing in it. The question popping up is, how can one come to know about brain functions and its reactions via fingerprints? 


The relation between Fingerprints and Brain:


Every individual possesses a unique set of fingerprints. The association of fingerprints with the brain development process starts with the mother's womb. The cells that develop brain neurons also formulate fingerprint patterns. This formulation of fingerprints patterns further helps in finding the number of ridges present in the fingerprints. A study of ridge patterns thus enables an analytical study of the brain.


Now that we know it all about the DMIT test let us explore the advantages or gains of an individual by opting for the test. Well, at the outset, parents and children are given attention.


Benefits of taking the DMIT test:


Parents often misunderstand their children. They feel anxious about a child's behavior, style of communication or interaction, interests, dislikes, learning ability, concentration, amount of diversion, personality traits, and so on. They complain, crib, compare and criticize their child for motivating him or her. But they are doing nothing more than embarrassing the child and using their weaknesses as a weapon against them. Such behavior makes the strengths of a child go unnoticed, and in some cases, these strengths are nipped right in the bud. Why do the parents treat their child in this manner? Because they do not know their child's inherent characteristics (curious, aggressive, rebellious, persistent, and many more), and even if they do know, accepting the fact becomes difficult due to lack of scientific evidence.


As per the researchers' findings, fingerprint analysis recognizes a person's area for growth and development, but it can also measure a person's IQ, EQ, and behavioral patterns quite accurately. This analysis enables a parent to identify their child's strengths and weaknesses in areas of aptitude, cognitive learning, creativity, communication skill, emotional attachment, and memory-based abilities.


These outcomes will help a parent –


  • To understand and develop an effective way to interact with the child based on their inborn communication style.


  • To understand the natural learning style of a child. Whether he or she is – 1) A kinesthetic learner is competent in expressing their feeling or thoughts through their body language and prefers to learn/memorize through operation and movement, 2) A visual learner having sharp observation/visual differentiation and prefers to learn through observation and reading, 3) An auditory learner is the one who wants to learn through his or her auditory sense or oral practice and able to assimilate, organize, and arrange oral information.


  • To recommend a parent to place their child in such courses or a pre-school. The curriculum of the same suits the child's inborn learning style (i.e., a kinesthetic learner grasps best at Montessori based schools due to its activity-based method)


  • To eliminate the 'trial and error' situation where parents send their child to a hobby class (i.e., art class, drawing class or music class) without knowing if the child is capable of comprehending it or not. Thus, it will save the children from entering a 'race' to prove themselves and save parents from a social show-off.


  • To give parents insight into their child's hidden talents and enable them to bring them out in the open and groom them effectively 


  • To enable parents to focus more on their child's strength, thus eliminating the 'guessing game' on their talent.


  • It helps in choosing the right university subjects that best suit their inborn abilities and potential.


  • After graduation, it will help choose their career path.


DMIT is not only for children and parents but also for teenagers and adults. Adults face a lot of interpersonal issues both at home as well as at the work front. DMIT can be advantageous to them by making them aware of their inner strengths enabling them to become mature and confident individuals.


Benefits of DMIT for adults:


Adults can also benefit from the DMIT test by using the test results –


  •  For self-evaluation and compatibility with one’s spouse or a business partner who promotes a better interpersonal relationship


  • For discovering their strengths and further guides them to perform better at work, thereby improving an individual’s work life.


Accuracy of results:


As far as the results are concerned, they are around 95% to 99% accurate.


Now, coming to the actual question which everyone wants to ask is the cost or charges of the test! Let’s be honest to ourselves first by revealing the expenditures on our fancies. May it be a pair of branded jeans or a pair of shoes, or some electronic gadget, or foreign tours or even throwing parties, what is our spend on these things which are just satisfying or boosting our egos?


The answer is thousands or even lacs. In contrast to this, spending money on self-improvisation, self-help, life-enhancing activities has never crossed a person’s mind because, according to them, ‘They know it all’ or ‘some things don’t change.’


Well, it is high time to think about oneself to lead a good life even if it means shelling out some extra moolahs from those pockets.


The Cost Factor:


The DMIT test is a bit on the higher side of the cost. The charges range in between Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 2500/- for a prediction of about 46 to 56 pages. In the case of online tests, they may be even higher.


Who can all take the DMIT test?


Any child of the age of 2 years to an adult of 85 years is eligible for the DMIT test.


The challenge to the DMIT test:


There are two sides to a coin. One side is full of supporters, whereas the other hand has non-believers in the test. 


Calling it or putting it down to “medical palmistry,” the doctors in India have questioned the effectiveness and the accuracy of the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT). It is a famous test used by schools on the children as a “scientific” study of fingerprints patterns and human brain lobes to determine the “intrinsic potential in a child.”


 The Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) has urged the schools and parents to stay away from “such ill-found practices.” Voicing out their aversion on DMIT, the society says that “There is no scientific evidence of this test being useful for measuring or accessing intelligence and brain lobe functioning or predicting future behavior.” And it costs exorbitant. (Source: The Hindu – dated September 26, 2019)


To Conclude:


DMIT test provides an insight into an individual’s way of being the way he or she is. It does not predict a future but surely guides a person towards such activities and areas of work where there will be maximum utilization of one’s strengths and improvising of the weaknesses.


So, who is going for the test? All the Best!!








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