
La Corona Wave

La Corona Wave Hey friends! How is life nowadays? Not happening, right! COVID – 19 has brought our lives to a standstill. I mean literally, we are grounded, rooted in one place, locked in our only haven – our home. Depressing thoughts of getting infected and sense insecurity surround us. The current situation has made us apprehensive about our future with the economic crisis looming over the world. It seems like it will take some time to bring our lives back on track. A novel vocabulary There has been a sudden increase in our dictionary recently. Should we give credit to COVID – 19? Well, it’s a matter of perception. I feel that not only us but also the ordinary people around us have become familiar with some new words. People are flaunting terms like novel coronavirus, pandemic, epidemic, asymptomatic, and incubation. To outbreak, pathogens, patient zero, screening, person-to-person, and quarantine. Along with self-isolate, isolation, social distancing, transmission